Emma Törzs

reader / writer

Filtering by Category: events

Book Launch!

Ink Blood Sister Scribe comes out on May 30th!!! That’s NEXT MONTH, omg. If you haven’t yet, please consider pre-ordering the novel!

If you’re in or around the Twin Cities, I’d love to see you at my book launch on June 1st, 6pm, at Moon Palace Books! There will be refreshments, book swag, and short readings from local literary luminaries Lesley Nneka Arimah, Abbey Mei Otis, and Sally Franson. Afterparty next door at Arbeiter Brewering.

Also, I now have a monthly newsletter, called “News & Mews,” which will feature relevant writing news plus photographs of my glorious feline companion, Igor. You can sign up for the newsletter here.

Event with Argo Bookshop and Neon Hemlock: All the Stories We Can't Stay Away From

On Thursday, July 21st, at 8pmEST, Neon Hemlock presents: an evening of shared readings and discussion from Andrea Chapela, Izzy Wasserstein, Elly Bangs, Iori Kusano, Gordon B White, and Emma Törzs (me).

Come hear work from several of my beloved and talented Clarion West classmates and then stay for a panel co-moderated by me and Andrea! It is free and open to the public; you’ll need to RSVP HERE and get a Zoom link.

This event is hosted by Argo Bookshop in Montréal, and is in celebration of Izzy Wasserstein’s fantastic new collection of speculative fiction, All the Hometowns You Can’t Stay Away From. Annalee Newitz called this collection “Inventive, fascinating, and deeply moving,” and I could not agree more. Izzy is a gorgeous writer with an incredible, tender imagination, who manages to rip my heart to shreds while still leaving me hopeful. One of my favorite of her stories, Requiem Without Sound, appears in this collection — and is available to read online if you want a taste!